Choosing The Right Money Dance Songs

Money Dance Songs are popularly known as dollar dance songs and their history can be traced in Poland back in the 1900s. Though the money dance songs were initially used as a way of contributing money to the newlyweds, they have nonetheless gained more popularity because they push the envelope of entertainment in the wedding reception further.

During the money dance song, the newlyweds usually take the center stage and the guests dance around or with them as they shower the couple with money (mostly pinning the money on the couple).

The money collected is mostly used for the honeymoon. Although many people view the tradition of money dance songs as tacky, this tradition nevertheless continues to punctuate many wedding receptions.

Having a DJ who will explain the money dance songs before they begin would be a smart move. Below are some tips of having money dance songs in your wedding reception.

Money Dance Songs

Money Dance Song Tips

Fun and Entertainment

The DJ should make sure that the money dance songs offer fun and entertainment to the guests. A wedding reception is supposed to be delightfully entertaining. The money dance songs the DJ selects should be danceable because guests are required to dance to the songs while pinning money on the newlyweds. For daring souls, Travie McCoy’ s song ’Billionaire’ would be a great money dance song because it is entertaining as well as a money maker song.


There should be versatility in the songs the DJ selects as money dance songs. A seasoned DJ knows that a wedding reception has different people with different tastes. It is paramount to consider the guests during the wedding reception. Even though the DJ cannot play everyone’s taste of music, he/she must ensure there is some versatility.

The DJ can play a fast song like Madonna’s ‘Material Girl’ for the youngsters and later play a classical country like Kenny Roger’s ‘Through the years’ as the money dance songs.


The songs the DJ selects for your money dance songs should cast an entertaining philanthropy ambience in the wedding reception. Slow ballads like “I’ll Be There” By the Jackson 5 or ‘Stand by Me’ by Ben E. King would be movingly enjoyable money dance songs.

Let DUBREEZY ENTERTAINMENT help you select the right money dance songs for your wedding reception. Contact us today to schedule a free no-obligation consultation to learn how we can help you have a fun and exciting wedding reception.

photo credit:  Mark Sebastian (top) Allan Chatto (bottom)