Quick Icebreaker Game For Groups

When we provide DJ entertainment at events like company picnics, school dances or corporate holiday parties, we sometimes do a lot of interactive games and contests to assist with giving out prizes that the organization will give out.

In situations when it’s tough to get the guests to participate initially, we’ll do a quick icebreaker game to start things off and get people involved.

Read below to learn how we do the birthday icebreaker game to kick off a series of interactive games..

Birthday Icebreaker Game Instructions

The first and golden rule of the birthday icebreaker game is that you are not allowed to talk at all.

icebreaker game

Participants are broken up into teams, sometimes we’ll do men vs women, 6th graders vs 7th graders, customer service department vs the sales department, etc.

Let’s use a company holiday party for this example. Say we have sales vs customer service vs marketing vs management.

That’s four teams and all four teams must have an equal amount of players for the game to be fair.

We’ll explain to the players that they are to get in a straight line, shoulder to shoulder, in order of your birthday without talking to each other. You are also not allowed to read lips or pull out your identification. Most participants just use there hands and fingers.

The first team to do this correctly is rewarded. We will sometimes reward the rest of the members in the winning category so if the customer service department wins, all other customer service department member in attendance will also be rewarded.

Learn how we can make your next event a success with this icebreaker game and other interactive DJ games we do by contacting us today and setting up a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss.

Click here to contact us today!!!

Photo credit:  Kristina D.C. Hoeppner (top) Rev Stan (bottom)